Exploration Projects
These are projects related to activities aiming to find hydrocarbons from underground and bring them to the surface for processing. These projects involve acquiring, processing, and interpreting seismic data and drilling exploration and development wells once a commercial quantity of hydrocarbon is discovered. These projects are usually capital intensive and high-risk projects. However, they are of paramount importance to increase the production of hydrocarbons (natural gas and Oil) and to create a sustainable energy supply in the country. The strategic exploration projects include the Eyasi-Wembere and Mnazi Bay North.
a.Eyasi – Wembere
Eyasi-Wembere Block is located in the Northern part of Tanzania along the Eastern branch of the Great East African Rift System. The block has a total area of 19,197-kilometer square and is composed of Natron – Engaruka, Manyara, Eyasi and Wembere- Manonga sub basins. The area has a significant thickness of sedimentary rocks that can favour accumulation, organic matter, maturation and generation of hydrocarbons. The structural features mapped through geological mapping and interpretation of Airborne Geophysical data indicate the ability of fluid to be trapped. The basin is analogous to the Albertine and Turkana basin in Uganda and Kenya respectively, where significant Oil has been discovered. Furthermore, the EACOP pipeline crosses over this block which adds on to its strategic importance. Due to its strategic location, the basin has the potential for the exploration of hydrocarbons. The Eyasi Wembere Project targets to discover Oil, which will meet the national energy requirement and surplus to be exported to the nearby countries.
b.Mnazi Bay North
This project will involve drilling two explorations, appraisal, and development wells in Mnazibay North Block in Ruvuma Basin. The location is strategically located in shallow water between the two gas discoveries of Mnazi Bay Gas Field and Chaza Gas’s discovery of Block-1, making this project primed for success. Its location is also near existing infrastructures in the Mnazi Bay gas field. It will facilitate the rapid development of any Gas discovered in the area and hence expected to bring many positives, including ensuring a reliable supply of gas. Intensive exploration activities of the Block have been undertaken, including the undertaking of 2D and 3D seismic surveys and hence chances of success are higher.