The Tanzania Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Project
This project aims to commercialize huge natural gas discoveries made in the deep offshore basin between 2010 and 2015 from blocks 1, 2 and 4 amounting to 47.13 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Shell Exploration and Production Tanzania LTD (Shell) made the natural gas discoveries in Blocks 1 and 4 with her partners Ophir and Pavilion. Equinor Tanzania AS (Equinor), formerly Statoil with its partner ExxonMobil, made natural gas discoveries in Block 2. Once the negotiations between the Government of Tanzania (GoT) and International Oil Companies (IOCs) are completed, the LNG processing and liquefaction facilities will be constructed onshore in Likong’o – Lindi region in Tanzania.
The project will involve drilling development wells in deep offshore fields, construction of subsea pipelines from deep offshore fields that will transport natural gas onshore for processing, construction of an LNG plant, and development of jetty loading facilities in the project area. Upon its completion, the LNG project will change discovered natural gas into liquid form for export to the world markets in Asia and Europe. The LNG project will also allocate natural gas for domestic use in power generations, industries, institutions, households and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles.